International Journal of Innovative Trends in Engineering

ISSN: 2395-2946 (Online)

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News Updates: IJITE Volume 76, April 2024 Edition Published Sucessfully.                Call for Papers: April 2024 IJITE Inviting Research Papers For Volume 76 (April 2024) Edition.

Peer Review Policies

All papers received will be submitted to a peer review process. The Editors may discard some manuscripts from the outright due to notorious low quality or disadjustment with the journal's scope.

Taking in consideration its subjects, the papers passing this preliminary screening will be remitted to a panel of referees involved in those research areas. They can be either external or members of the Advisory Board, though always chosen by their recognized expertise. Each paper will be reviewed by two referees.

After evaluation, the referees will produce reports about the works reviewed, by which the papers can be a) accepted with modifications or corrections; b) approved as they are or c) rejected from the start. In case that the papers proposed are accepted but in need of modifications or corrections, the Editors will return the manuscripts to the authors, together with the referee's reports and all the suggestions, recommendations and comments therein.

To secure impartiality during the review process, all papers, as remitted to the referees, will be anonymous. Moreover, the referees' identities will not be known, neither by the rest of the evaluation panel, nor by the authors.

The final decision concerning the publication of papers belongs to the Editorial Board, having the referees a consultative role.